Saturday, January 31, 2015

Taking the ‘e-book Plunge’

We have always liked to read, since we can remember … and our house is full of books!
While we were both active teachers, we had to do a lot of ‘professional’ reading: reports, school policies, course assignments, etc., along with our reading to keep up with the news.
So it was a treat to find a nice quiet spot and read a good romantic or detective story (for my wife and for me, resp.).
We have been finding the time lately -- and believe me, it’s tough sometimes, even when we’re retired -- to read our favourite stories.
We cased our local book stores, armed with discount cards, exchanged books with friends, and were active borrowers from our excellent Halifax Public Library.
We were enjoying reading books again.
And, presto, along comes the … ’eBook reader!’
What to do, Dear Reader?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Colin vs. the Dragon!

Over the last three weeks or so, I have been trying to download and install "Dragon Dictation” for Mac, v. 4, with no success.
While my saga is not on the same scale as the trials of the legendary St. George, there are some parallels.
(A second 'St. George' — see below — had an easier time.)
You might ask, Dear Reader: Why do I use dictation software? Because of my poor finger skills on the keyboard, I use a dictation program when I have to write long documents.
I often have to prepare copy to post on our parish website, or the text of readings and announcements for a variety of liturgical ceremonies throughout the year.
Mac has an internal dictation program, which is so-so, and ’Evernote’ uses one which is better.
But neither of them come close to Dragon.