Sunday, September 29, 2013

Traffic, Traffic, Everywhere - 2

I have been fascinated by driving for a long time. When I was a youngster, I used to observe drivers' hands, and longed for the day when I would be able to drive.
Over the last 50 years -- in fact, since I have had a driver's license -- I have enjoyed driving, loved the excitement of the 'open road,' which one summer took me all the way to Victoria, B.C.
I have braved the rigours of driving in bad weather, even foggy nights and winter storms, and have survived driving on narrow roads, dirt roads, and 'no roads!'
Until recently, that is, when driving has lost some of its allure.
It has been said that one of the guiding principles behind 'Defensive Driving' ciourses is that you assume that all the other drivers are idiots, and are going to do the wrong thing!
Wise words.
Here are some of the factors that have led me to conclude that driving is not (as much) fun anymore:
-- Many drivers simply do not know HOW to drive, especially while using the ramps on some of the multi-lane highways, and making a right turn on a red light.
-- Many do not adjust to conditions: impatient drivers, who show excessive speed in snow, ice, rain and flood conditions are found almost everywhere.
-- Tailgating, lane-changing and cutting-off are much more aggressive and more common than ever.
-- Vehicles are much larger and more powerful than they need to be.
Since I usually think like an optimist, Dear Reader, I often ponder what could be done to improve the quality of driving.

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