Friday, September 30, 2016

Peter Coade Retires

Folks in the Maritimes, who want to get a comprehensive weather forecast, probably tune in to reports on CBC by Peter Coade.
Or, if you happened to live decades ago in Truro, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, N.L., or even Toronto, chances are you heard him on local radio.
Peter is retiring today, celebrating 54 years of continuous service as a meteorologist.
In 2013, he was awarded the Guinness World Record for the longest career as a weather broadcaster, which of course has continued until today.
His first appearance on CBC television was back in the late 1950s, when one day he job shadowed the legendary Maritimes weatherman, Rube Hornstein. He has been 'hooked on weather' ever since.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fabulous at 70

If you're from Cape Breton, you have probably taken part in a large 'family reunion,' or a 'class reunion.'
The one I experienced in St. Peter's, a couple of weeks ago was an 'age reunion!'
Let me explain.
During the Christmas holidays, I received a phone call from Ann, a close friend, alerting me that they were planning a party for those of us from River Bourgeois who are celebrating our 70th birthday this year.
She asked: ‘Do you want to attend?’
My reply was quite short: ‘I would be delighted; thank you very much for asking.’
So there we were, on September 3, at Louie's Cozy Corner, a dozen members of our ‘Fabulous at 70’ group, greeting and hugging one another after all these years!
Our respective spouses had also been invited, probably to relate some untold or long-neglected stories of our younger days.